20th Century Fox is reportedly interested in rebooting Alan Moore’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or, as it was known in the movies, LxG. Alan Moore’s comic take on classic literary characters forming a Victorian era “super-team” was adapted into a movie back in 2003 and suffice to say, it was a flop and sadly it was also he last appearance of Sean Connery as an actor in a movie.
Now is it possible we might see a more deserving adaptation of the movie? Possibly as Fox intends to reboot the franchise with Ira Napoliello and Matt Reilly supervising it. According to sources, the studio did try to revive the franchise back in 2013, except instead of a movie, they were going to go the TV series route. Obviously that didn’t happen.
However, it’s very likely that with Marvel Studios roaring success with the Avengers, as well as Fox’s own X-Men movies, the studio is mostly likely angling for one more successful, long running movie franchise which they can ride on. After all, you never know when Marvel would want their X-Men franchise back to join the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
With the public’s increasing reception to superhero series and movies, Fox’s decision in this matter might be a good one. The LXG reboot would be a nice alternative to the current spate of MCU and gritty DC movie universes, if done correctly at least.
As for getting Alan Moore’s blessing, well we doubt they’ll manage that. After all Moore has publicly stated that he would like nothing to do with any movies that were being made off his work. It would be nice though if he could put his input in, but well, here’s to hoping.
via Variety
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