Tag: Superhero Movies
A New Spin On Spider-Man Might Be What the Character Needs
Spider-man has had a rough couple of years his new lease on life both on and off screen, could do well for the character
Organic or mechanical? Which web shooter will Spidey use in Civil War?
So which web shooter will Spidey use in Civil War? This might just answer it
More details for the Doctor Strange movie are here
Want More details for the Doctor Strange movie? Disney lets the rabbit out of hat for Master of Mysticism's movie
Catch the public appearance of the Black Panther here
Looks like the firt public appearance of the Black Panther is over at Berlin, Germany
Who did Wonder Wonder fight in Batman v Superman?
A rumoured duel between Wonder Woman and something terrifying ...
So here’s what happened to the Fantastic Four
What happened to the Fantastic Four movie? Seems that stories are emerging on how disastrous the whole project had been
The trigger that sets off the civil war in Captain America is…
Now, a plausible rumour as to why heroes start fight each other in coming civil war
Fantastic Four bombs badly in the box office
The movie dies a horrific death at the box office, will it affect its prospect for a sequel?
Channing Tatum is staying put as Gambit
Looks like the quitting rumours are bust - Channing is confirmed as Gambit
Tao Okamoto will be Mercy Graves in Batman v Superman
The Japanese model/actress set to be Lex Luthor's PA