Kuma Miko: Girl Meets Bear
The anime adaptation of Masume Yoshimoto’s manga of the same name is a story about a middle school student, Machi, who doubles as a shrine maiden (miko) at a Shinto shrine devoted to a bear (Kuma) guardian in the Tōhoku region.
Machi one day confides to Natsu in hopes that she can go to a school in the city to which the divine bear agrees but not before she completes several trials and tests.
Due to its setting in the mountainous northern region of Japan, the anime promises tons of beautiful scenic and picturesque setting along with the talking bear which has led to the anime’s hype.
The anime also marks Kiyoshi Matsuda’s directorial debut with Kinema Citrus and EMT Squared. The anime is set to debut on April 3.
Watch it if: You love big, furry, talking bears.
Official website here.